Welcome to Voltage Sport. If you are new here, Voltage Sport is something I've been writing for a while now. Since I began having a place I can call my own on the internet I have really been enjoying writing, sharing and connecting with others. I love to share my stories and get creative on my blog posts.
If I look back to the beginning of my blog journey it has been an interesting one. My initial inspiration for starting Voltage Sport was so I could share my real life experiences of weight loss and getting healthy with other people who have made the decision to initiate a positive change in their lives. My hope was to inspire someone to change their life for the better. I came up with the idea whilst on holiday - I guess the best thoughts come about when you are relaxed!
As someone who has been overweight and unhealthy, I know how difficult it can be to start the process and set the wheels in motion to a better life.
Over time this blog has evolved into an exciting outlet for many of my passions in life. I now include health, fitness, sport and recipes onto the blog. I have also started the Voltage Sport apparel linewhich I am truly excited to launch and get out there for others to enjoy.
I'm looking forward to seeing where this Voltage Sport journey takes me in the future and how the site and I will evolve over the next few years.
I look forward to connecting with you and sharing this journey together.
Share in the comments below your experience so far when it comes to your weight loss and fitness journey. I love to hear other people's stories!
Written by Keil
This blog post was inspired by the Trigger Your Blog blogging challenge.