As we are based in Bradford, West Yorkshire we couldn't miss a chance to see the first ever Tour de Yorkshire live!  A legacy race from last years Tour de France Grand Depart, which was a huge success, the Tour de Yorkshire is a 3 day stage race.

We missed the first stage based out on the east coast but we did watch it on the TV and it looked great.  It was fantastic to see so many crowds over the whole weekend.  The winner on day 1 was Lars Petter Nordhaug from Team Sky, who won the race overall.

For stage 2 we set off early and went to watch the race at it's finish in York.  At 10am we were able to watch the women's race, this was a one off event spanning 4 circuits of York.  It was a flat, fast course and the women sped past us.  The race ended in a sprint finish and was won by Louise Mahe.

Tour de Yorkshire 2015 Tour de Yorkshire 2015

After a couple of hours of us doing our best to keep warm, despite it being early May we were frozen, we headed back out onto the course to see the men's race.  The men started in Selby and once they arrived in York did 2 laps of the York circuit before the finish.  On the first lap there was a breakaway ahead with the peloton chasing.  By the end the bunch were altogether and there was a super fast sprint to the line.  The race was won by Moreno Hofland, you can see members of his Lotto Jumbo team in the photo below!


Tour de Yorkshire 2015


Tour de Yorkshire 2015 Tour de Yorkshire 2015

We stayed around to watch the jersey presentation before heading home.

Tour de Yorkshire 2015

The next day we went to watch the final stage at Haworth.  We stood at Brow Top which was a tight corner so the riders had to slow down, this was a great spot to get a good look at them!  There was a really fun atmosphere - And the sun came out! Again there was a group off the front who were being chased by the peloton.


Tour de Yorkshire 2015 Tour de Yorkshire 2015

We thought about racing by car to another spot but decided we'd had such a good time in Haworth, we would watch the end of the race on TV.  It was fantastic seeing the riders go along roads we know well and the Cow and Calf looked extra busy! The Tour de Yorkshire ended with a win from Ben Hermans.

It was another incredible weekend of cycling, we really know how to do things well in Yorkshire!  We are already looking forward to the Tour de Yorkshire next year - We are certain it will be even bigger and better!

Did you watch any of the Tour de Yorkshire? Comment below!

Keil Nelson
Keil Nelson

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