A new year usually begins with optimism, excitement and plans for the year to be the best ever.  Wherever you look there are ads and social media posts about losing weight, getting fit all within just a few weeks.  The beginning of a new year can be a great time to set in motion any changes you wish to make as it feels like you can start over with a clean slate and really focus on doing what you need to do to reach your goals.

Staying Consistent with your weightloss goals

If weight loss is your only goal and you are desperate for a quick fix then a crazy diet might be something you would look to but be warned there is a high chance over the following months you will not be able to sustain it and you could put the weight you lose back on, plus more.  Trust us, we've been there and done that so it's not something we would recommend. We feel that in the long term these "quick fixes" can lead to more health problems and you may then struggle to lose any weight in the future.

What we'd love to see you do this year is become and stay consistent.  This is something we focused on last year and it feels great.  When you think about your goals for the year ahead, is it to be healthier, fitter, stronger, lighter? To achieve any of these it takes consistency - being consistent with your eating, with your workouts, with your mindset.

Of course, if you have set yourself a specific fitness goal like a running race or event, then you will have to step up your training regime and follow a more regimented routine to achieve your targets, but you will still find that being consistent week in/week out will be the key to your success.

How to reach your fitness and weight loss goals

Reach your weight loss and fitness goals

To live a healthy life for the long term you will soon discover that consistency is the name of the game, you shouldn't look for perfection and you certainly don't want to beat yourself up if you have a bad day.  We firmly believe finding a balance that works for you is so important, remember to live and enjoy your life and build your healthy habits into it.

We recommend you set yourself some targets to complete each week, this might be to workout 3 or 4 times, remember rest is just as important, your body needs it to function at its optimal level. Perhaps you want to drink 3 litres of water daily, or making sure you have a nutritious breakfast each day.  Whatever your goals are, ensure they are manageable and something you will still be able to do in 3, 6 and 12 months time.  More importantly, make sure your goal is something you will still want to achieve regularly in a few months, not something which you will get bored of or give up on.

Consistency is the key to health and fitness, here's to a healthy life.  For life.

Comment below what your consistent goal is for this year.

Keil Nelson
Keil Nelson

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