The new year excitement is over and it's time to establish more of a fitness routine.  If you're finding your motivation wavering then we shared our top ways to keep motivated all year round. These tips will help you to stay on track towards your target.  We also wanted to share with you some of the regular habits you can create to help you achieve your objectives.  By creating healthy habits you will set a strong foundation to reach both your fitness and health goals.

How to Stay on Track - Fitness

Healthy Meals

To create a healthier lifestyle, what you eat and your general nutrition is one of the most important things to look at.  We don't promote fad diets or detoxes but healthy eating and living a balanced life.  Trust us, we have tried many different diets and we have ended up feeling lethargic, miserable and any weight we have lost we have put back on as soon as we began eating our normal way again.  For the most part we think the 80/20 rule works well.  This means for 80% of the time your food and meals are healthy and nutritious, this allows room for meals out and a chance to enjoy some of the food you love which is not rich in nutrients.  By focusing on healthy meals you can create a really strong and healthy body and mind.


To go with your healthy meals it is important to focus on your fruit and vegetable intake.  This is a basic law of nutrition which we learnt as children which seems to have got lost for many (including us for a while) along the way.  Focus on 5 portions of fruit and vegetables throughout the day as snacks or when cooking your healthy meals.  By creating this as a habit you will find the choices you make when you eat out or even when you are deciding what to cook are based more around the the ingredients in your meal.


Water is an important ally to your body and your mind.  Staying hydrated helps to keep you more alert, gives you more energy and can aid in weight loss.  We recommend focusing on drinking at least 2 litres of water everyday - More if you are exercising.


We love to workout and doing some form of exercise is vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle way beyond the new year.  The key is to find a workout you love to do and not something you feel you 'have' to do.  Working out should be fun, should challenge you and in the long run should make you feel great.  Rest days are important but doing some form of activity every day is vital - This is where stretching, yoga or steady walks around the block can really fit into your new healthy lifestyle.


As we mentioned stretching is really important to help your muscles to recover after a workout.  It's important to always cool down and stretch after your session.  If you are not working out you can still spend some time stretching, especially if you've spent many hours sat at a desk throughout the day.  Yoga is also good to help strengthen your muscles and relax your mind.


Sleep is another important part of your health and fitness journey.  It is important to ensure you are getting enough sleep to allow your body and mind to recover and prepare for the next day.  Some people struggle with not getting enough sleep but a lack of sleep can have negative effects on your health and wellbeing, your mind can be less clear and you may struggle the next day with your energy levels.  We recommend aiming for at least 7 hours of sleep each night.  If you do need a little bit of an energy boost or pick me up we love to use Arbonne's fizz sticks to raise our energy levels on those mornings we just don't want to get out of bed!

These are our top tips to help you stay on track and get fitter and healthier.  They may seem basic and simple - They are!  But by creating these healthy habits you are more likely to keep up with your fitness and health goals throughout the year. 

Keil Nelson
Keil Nelson

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